Friday, March 20, 2009

Questions on Laughter

We analyze many things. But how often have we analyzed our own laughter? How often do we laugh? And when we do, why do we laugh? Do we laugh at others or at ourselves or about some thing?  How often do we laugh without any reason? Are all people laughing without any external reason insane? 

 All most all the time, it is at or about something external. No surprise then, that the English language has many synonyms for laughter, depending on the external reason and the intensity(of laughter). Here are few examples:
  1.  snicker , snigger, giggle  = stifled laugh at someone, usually in derision. 
  2. cackle. guffaw  = laugh loudly, boisterously again at someone or thing etc.

But unknown to most people there is another kind of laughter, known to practitioners of Yoga. When the nadis (subtle energy tubes in the etheric body) are purified through 7 types of pranayama and the etheric patches removed by the cosmic energy freely flowing through the Brahma Randhra (also called Bindu, Bindu chakra) through the regular practice of meditation, then there results another type of laughter, which emanates naturally, pure and free without reason. Such laughter comes just like hunger - without no reason - and is an expression of the spiritual progress within. One laughs then, in joy and frequently, not 'at' anything, but just so. 

 Keep laughing...

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